Отопление и водоснабжение дома своими руками

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Система отопления из готовых коллекторов отопления с гидрострелками и гибкими поводками из нержавеющей стали.

Выше на фото с право эскиз коллектора отопления котлового на 3 контура и гидрострелка. Слева уже готовое изделие с накрученным оборудованием. Это самая распространенная система отопления. Размер труб из которых изготовлен коллектор отопления с гидрострелкой, идеально подходит для двух этажного дома 10 х 10 метров. Но большинство смонтированных систем отопления изготовленных раньше были без гидрострелок и с одним циркуляционным насосом перед котлом отопления. Увеличение комплектующих для обвязки котельных постоянно растёт. Связано это с лучевой системой отопления, и возможностью более точной настройки температурой в каждом отопительном приборе. Ушло то время когда обвязку собирали на тройниках. Ниже на фото ещё одно новое поколение  материалов, гибкие подводок из нержавеющей стали для отопления. Преимущество их  не только в технических характеристиках но и в размерной линейке. Например для напольных котлов есть гибкая подводка для воды 1 1/2 дюйма или гибкая подводка для воды 2 дюйма. Для циркуляционных насосов 32 можно купить гибкую подводку для воды 1 1\4 дюйма. При большом выборе диаметров можно купить и нужной длины. Для того чтобы разместить расширительный бак для схемы отопления в нужном для вас месте, надо купить гибкую подводку для воды 3/4 дюйма нужной длины. В системе водоснабжения всегда была проблема с большими диаметрами. Одна из них это гибкая подводка для гидроаккумулятора 1 дюйм. Ведь старая изготовленная из резины, часто выходила из строя. С приходом гибкой подводки из нержавеющей стали 1 дюйм это проблема перестала быть актуальный. Из резиновых запчастей остаётся только груша внутри гидроаккумулятора. А вообще сильфонные подводки начинаются с гибкой подводки для воды 1/2 дюйма и заканчиваются гибкой подводкой для воды 2 1/2 дюйма. Но они не только для систем отопления но и для газов, кислот, щёлочей.

Отопление и водоснабжение загородного дома.

Отопление водоснабжение и электроснабжение это основа любого дома. При этом в нашей стране без первых двух обойтись просто не возможно. Для всех этих снабжений очень важно трассы по которым они передаются например для электричества это провода. К примеру алюминиевые с маленьким сроком эксплуатации относительно медных. Трубопроводы для отопления и водоснабжения тоже с разным сроком эксплуатации. Но самый опасный участок раньше был и сейчас остаётся это гибкое подключение. Гибкие подводки старого образца это резины оплетенная проволокой. Сегодня на смену им пришла сильфонная подводка. Она изготовлена из гофрированной трубы, это ей позволяет гнуться под разными углами. Материал это труба из нержавеющей стали но разной цены для газа и металлорукава для кабель каналов дешевле там в 10 раз меньше никеля. Гибкая подводка для воды дороже но она подходит для всего то есть универсальная. Её можно замуровать например в водяной теплый пол с не большой оговоркой соединения у всех видов труб должны быть на виду. Сегодня самый массовой трубой по праву считается полипропиленовая она дешевая и монтаж может делать любой, для этого не надо быть сварщиком. Подходить к выбору материалов нужно более серьёзно чем к количеству например отсекающих шаровых кранов. Действительно если установить хороший смеситель и гибкую подводку из нержавейки с фторопластовыми прокладками то можно сэкономить на шаровом кране. Практика показывает что редко кто лезет в систему отопления или водоснабжения если всё сделано надёжно. Когда хозяин квартиры устанавливает смеситель GROHE за 20 тысяч и ставит гибкую подводку из резинового шланга за 100 рублей, то напрашивается вопрос зачем покупать дорогой смеситель а всю систему водоснабжение делать на дешевом материале. Ведь для квартиры нужно для трубопроводов меньше 1 %  цены от общей сметы ванны или кухни. Зато можно собрать на материалах, которые не нужно будет менять десятки лет. Отопление, например обвязка котельной зачастую можно встреть собранное на полипропиленовых тройниках. Мало того что стенки у данных труб по 1 сантиметру так внутри могут получится большие наплывы. Все изгибы под 90 градусов по несколько штук на не больших участках. В итоге котел работает на половину своей мощности и при 70 градусов срабатывает автоматика перегрева. Некоторые контура остаются холодные. Вроде система отопления работает но очень плохо. Замена на мощный котловой коллектор и гибкие подводки из нержавеющей стали или на медные трубы обычно решают эту проблему. Причем замена делает систему компактнее и более понятной, да и цена не намного дороже. Чем понятнее система отопления тем она лучше работает и на оборот. Если вы понимаете что трубы и коллектор отопления маленького сечения то их точно нужно заменить. Ведь для хорошей системы отопления или водоснабжения нужен хороший объём воды, а протолкать его сквозь тоненькие трубки да с наплывами очень сложно.

Выше на фотографии коллектор отопления для котельной, Он выполнен по эскизу инженера на замену предыдущего сваренного из полипропиленовых труб. Предыдущие монтажники собрали систему отопления, но газовый котел отключался на 65 градусах. Срабатывал датчик перегрева. Вся система была собрана хорошо, проблема была только в котельной. Замена распределительного узла на новый коллектор отопления и труб на гибкие подводки из нержавеющей стали решили эту проблему. Обвязка котельной полипропиленовыми трубами это сложная работа. Нужно хорошо паять не оставляя наплывов внутри фитингов. Также учесть толщину стенок армированного полипропилена. Как можно меньше сделать углов под 90 градусов. Поэтому зачастую, когда система не работает это просто монтажники с небольшой практикой. Причем такая схема, иногда сварена с большими временными затратами. Это сложный титанический труд, который в итоге нужно сломать. Действительно если трубопровод без заужений с плавными поворотами, то система работает на много лучше. Зная все подводные камни, раньше обвязку делали медью. И сегодня это отличное решение. Просто цена на медные трубы и фитинги стала очень высокой. И самый лучший вариант обвязки котельной это готовый коллектор отопления с гидрострелкой плюс гибкие подводки для воды из нержавеющей стали. Это быстро монтируется и надежно. А уже стояки и дальше полипропиленовыми трубами.

Гибкая подводка из нержавеющей стали.

Сегодня для всех видов трубопроводов появилась новая система гибкого соединения. Также гибкую подводку из нержавеющей стали благодаря большим размерам можно использовать для выхлопных газов в автомобилях и электростанциях. Сегодня часто используются для отвода выхлопных газов сваренные трубы. Но гораздо проще купить гибкую подводку из нержавеющей стали и изготовить переходник из обычного сгона. Но все таки основное применение гибкой подводки это отопление и водоснабжение. Гибкая подводка из нержавеющей стали может изготавливаться для газа из тонкостенной технической нержавейки, для уменьшения цены. Гибкая подводка для воды производится из лучшей толстостенной нержавейки. Это связано с высоким давлением и окислением. В связи с этим гибкую подводку для воды можно ставить на газ. А гибкую подводку для газа нельзя ставить на воду. Например техническая это 202 нержавейка с маленьким содержанием никеля, а 304 это высокое содержание никеля и хрома. И толщина стенок в полтора раза больше что позволяет использовать гибкую подводку из нержавеющей стали при высоком давлении в системе трубопроводов.

Не один современный дом не может обойтись без систем отопления и водоснабжения. И эти системы должны быть максимально надёжны, а это значит что хозяева домов должны понимать как устроены эти системы. Отопление это источник где одно устройство нагревает теплоноситель а другое устройство выделяет тепло остужая теплоноситель. И система трубопроводов которая транспортирует теплоноситель нагретый и остывший. Соответственно одним литром горячей воды не нагреешь комнату. Нужен постоянный хороший поток теплоносителя, который обеспечивается толщиной труб и производительностью насоса. Если трубы взять меньшего диаметра то увеличивается скорость теплоносителя и увеличивается сопротивление. Так как сопротивление прямо пропорционально скорости. Значит сопротивление в какой-то момент не даст двигаться нужному объему. Поэтому большинство монтажников стараются купить трубу с запасом. Все заужения приводят к увеличению скорости и вибрация трубопровода. Есть много доводов что гибкая подводка для воды из нержавеющей стали сильфонного типа будет создавать большое сопротивление. Но к примеру подводка для воды из нержавеющей стали 1/2 дюйма больше в два раза старой резиновой значит скорость в два раза меньше. А если поставить гибкую подводку для воды 3/4 дюйма то скорость уменьшится в несколько раз. Соответственно уменьшится и сопротивление. Да увеличится цена н о срок службы увеличится тоже в разы. Но главное это надёжность которая стоит в разы дороже и отношение с соседями которые живут с первого этажа до вашей квартиры.

Using the collector circuits in heating, coldwater supply (CWS) in hot water (DHW) is associated with theinstallation of more efficient regulation of heat flow. Replaceone-pipe circuit was influenced by the increase in heated area.Heating of a private house 30-80 square meters. m. figure shows adiagram of one tube used for many years. Why make complex circuits toconnect the boiler circulation pump that pushes coolant and 3-8radiators, which give off heat to heat the air. But four chained tothe radiator, the temperature of the first and the last will differ,though not significantly. Another thing is the heating system in atwo-story building with a basement, garage, Underfloor heating,Inthe chain 100 of the radiators are connected in series between thefirst temperature and the hundredth will be seen without athermometer. And pick up a circulation pump that will lift water is aproblem. We divide chain 20 chain 20 to the circulating pump. And toput a chain on each setting, for example, the balancing valve withthe flow. Further, these 20 combinations of five radiators must beconnected to the pipe through which the coolant flows, and coolingthe Refrigerant to collect and send in return. Now the temperature ofeach radiator will not be significantly different. How to connect 20units (chains)? You can use forty tees. It will be the cheapest way.But knowing that the weakest link in the pipe connection. We need toget this configuration: 40 multiply by 3 (tee). A total of 120compounds. Yes, if the exhaust line to put balancing valves, whichregulate the incoming coolant. The processing scheme of the sensorsfloats, the so-called flow, the number of connections will increasein 2 times.But there is a ready solution - manifold for heatingsystems with flow meters. This collector heating unites in a singlebody and the flow meters and control valves. A variety of heating andwater supply prompted the producers to create a reservoir for waterand heating systems, from the simplest to the most sophisticatedcollector groups.And size (chaser) distribution manifolds andheating water depends on the number of carriers and the features youneed for a particular area in the heating of a private house. Thenumber distribution of a wide range of different heating collectorscan reduce the number of pipes for heating and water. This isachieved by heating the cascade of reservoirs.The boiler toinstall the biggest collector for heating boiler wiring break in theflow path: the first cycle to send to the first floor. The collectorheating circuit for boiler installation, set the balancing valve andthe circulation pump and the coolant on the first floor. On the firstfloor another set of the smaller heat collector, through which weeach radiator separately. On the radiator you can install a manualcontrol valve or thermostatic control. If you use the collector onthe ground floor with shut-off valves you can turn off the radiatorto the pipe for maintenance or replacement. The second circuit, thecollector for boiler installation, you can send for the heating ofwarm floors, but also to reduce the temperature in Underfloor heating(floor temperature is 90 degrees-it looks more like a frying pan),you need to put three-way mixing valve. Its operation is very simple:the three-way valve is controlled by connecting incoming hot waterfrom the cooled-down coolant from the return. Further down the chainis heating manifold with flowmeter for connecting pipes, which arestacked in mortar. This distribution manifold of Underfloor heatingto ensure a constant flow of coolant. Naturally one for manykilometers around the pipe warm floor heats evenly and the connectionto the filler is a problematic thing. Heating manifold with flowmeter will connect all the small coils in one and adjust eachturn.One of the schemes of the boiler the collector can be sentin ventilation and air curtain. The principle of the thermal circuitin the box through which air is forcibly fed from the street, installa heat exchanger (car radiator). This field in the cube designer, inwhich the equipment is installed. Put the cubes filter to clean theair, and the other to the heat exchanger for air cooling. To ensurefire safety, use a cube with a valve for air supply. And otherequipment. Hot air temperature controlled water inlet to the heatexchanger. Three-way mixing valve install manifold to the boiler orwiring to each curtain.Heating circuit to the boiler is the mostsimple consists of circulation pump, pipes and ball valves. This is,perhaps, all the main circuit from the collector to boiler wiring.But connect the collector to the heating boiler, the problem occursif one heating circuit manifold to deliver a powerful circulationpump and the circuit impedance is minimal. Then the entire coolantfrom the boiler, for example,100 litersgoes through a circuit. Andfor other circuits yet50 liters. This problem and many others can besolved by installing the heating system with forced circulation ofthe hydraulic separator (gidrostrelki). Because of the very simpledevice solves the problem of connecting several boilers or change therefrigerant flow (multiple overlapping radiators from theboiler).So, take the collector circuit of the heating system of atwo-storey building at 200-500 sqm with two boilers. In a heatingsystem installers, designers will share their scheme in two rings.The first scheme for boilers gidrostrelki again to a small circle ofboilers and the second largest, which will include all otherequipment for installation of the heating system. Thus, the share ofgidrostrelkoy more precisely the connection of the bypass (power)outbound and reverse flows of the coolant. With this solution, theycan now work independently. Heat transfer from one circuit to anotheris excellent. Assume that two connections are in the container (ingidrostrelke) facing each other and the first to be pumped from theboiler of20 litersper minutes, and the pipe is found to be pumped20litersper minute, the pressure of the primary circuit will passthrough gidrostrelku without mixing with the return . In turn cooledby coolant from a large circuit to pass through gidrostrelku below.But thanks gidrostrelke, we can balance the different volumes andmount a small loop with boilers, the Total flow of100 litersperminutes. With a large contour, which takes150 litersper minutes. Inthis case, 50 in the lower part litrovobratki gidrostrelki mixed with100 litersreceived from boilers in the top gidrostrelki. Obviously,heating with gidrostrelkoy does not require the pump set at highspeed hoping to catch up with the speed of flow in large rings(loops), which can be several pumps. An added bonus from a hydraulicseparator - air and picking up dirt and grime. For this gidrostrelkumounted vertically, and the upper and lower ends of the hydraulicseparator is located outside the armature 10-20 cm In the upper partgidrostrelki going air. In the lower part gidrostrelki - dirt. In theheating system of a private house high power tubes are manyindustries and many of them have overlapping channels, and a goodbalance must be set gidrostrelku. For small areas are not majorproducers made gidrostrelki but because of the simplicity of theheating system installers typically do not use them.The collectorof the heating distribution for the installation of boiler is used invarious heating systems. Depending on the purpose, the collectorcircuit can be equipped with various additional elements:thermometers, check valves, strainers, circulating pumps for heatingsystem, three-way valve for manual adjustment and electric actuators,gauges, sensors, valves, threaded connections, air mass meters, etc.Tying the collector of the boiler provides a compact distribution ofcontour and quick installation of equipmentThanks to adistribution manifold is ready to install heating boilers,gidrosterlkam, flexible connections piping installation in the boilerhome heating can be performed manually, using the keys withoutwelding. The advantage of using manifold heating boiler is that dueto the possibility of installing ball valves on each branch there isa possibility to install or replace equipment without shutting downor draining the entire system (for example, 1 floor kennels heating,2 unit first floor, 3 second floor circuit, 4 circuit cellar, theventilation circuit 5, 6 of the boiler hot water circuit, ... ..).Hydraulic bearing (hydraulic separatorgidrostrelka, gidrorazdelitel) is used in the circuits for theheating after the installation of a boiler to equalize pressures andtemperatures in the system. It is believed that when the systemgidrostrelki the boiler is softer and lighter. Many designers arguethat the hydraulic needle is only necessary when using the boilerwith 30 kW.Gramotnaya, economical operation of the heating systemdepends entirely on the correct and proper distribution of thecoolant in the heating system, correct choice of flow rate inhydraulic comb and direction. Sometimes called a low loss headerhydraulic separator gidrostrelka, gidrorazdelitel bottles,thermo-hydraulic valve, control valve, SG, hydraulic hand. All thesenames are one and the same equipment for the connection of theboiler. Hydraulic arrow represents a kind of container with verticalsection in the form of a circle or square. Hydraulic shooter usuallyhas 4 operating the nozzle with a diameter of 1 1/2 (40), and 3outputs 1/2 (15) pressure gauge, automatic air vent, drain coolant tothe tap with the sludge settles in the bottom of gidrostrelki.Butthere is another option for balancing of hydraulic flow betweencircuits. This method locksmiths, collected from foreign magazines.This scheme is easier, more efficient and looks much more compact. Ithas pros and cons compared to gidrostrelkoy. The principle of itscircuit manifold heating for boiler installation. To this end aby-pass manifold welded (bridge) at the end of the collector forheating. This jumper allows You to draw additional water from thereturn for diagrams or distill the excess amount of coolant flowthrough the manifold directly from the boiler to the boiler.Howto choose which pipe is better for the heating and water is firstneed to understand the specifications of materials and theirproperties. For cheap pipes for water supply include polypropylenepipes, plastic pipes, polyethylene pipe (crosslinked polyethylene PEX(pacemaker) or PE-RT in (Perth)) and are used at low temperatures andlow pressure systems domestic hot water (DHW) and CWS (cold water ),producers do not recommend to put them on heating. Pipes for heatingare needed for binding the boiler room, produced by the installationof copper pipes, steel pipes, stainless steel tubes to withstand highpressure and temperature of 160 degrees. These data are suitable forflexible corrugated stainless steel pipe. Large range of diameters:flexible water connection 2 1/2 inch (65 mmtube), flexible connectionto water2 inch(50 mmtube), flexible water hoses 1 1/2 inch (40mmtube), flexible water connection 1 1/4 inch (32 mmtube), flexiblewater hoses one inch (25 mmtube), flexible water hoses 3/4 inch (20mmtube), flexible hoses for water is 1/2 inch (15 mmtube) It givesthe opportunity to collect the heating circuit with your handswithout welding. Flexible hose for connection to water in giantboilers, connect the tank, connect the boiler, connect the pump,manifold piping for heating, piping gidrostrelki, the connection ofboiler, pump stations, hydraulic tank, radiator. Many faced with theinstallation of boilers and know what should be put on boiler tubelength of1500 mmwhich will withstand intermittent high temperatures(overheating of the boiler off, but part of it will fall into thetube). Large diameter feed pipes to eliminate the need for welding.No need to buy "American" angles capturing and levellingconnecting the boiler to a distribution manifold for the installationof boilers. Heating apart from the collector pipe of smallerdiameter, and there no longer reaches the superheated coolant. Butfor simplicity, compounds such as polypropylene pipes to thecollector for heating it is convenient to use eyeliner they bellowand bellow expansion joints and detachable joints and corners.Corrugated stainless steel and withstand the temperature andcompensates for the bellows compensators flexible connections,stainless steel water tube with Union nut made of brass and PTFEgaskets will last ten times longer than the relatively flexibleconnectors rubber braided hose for maximum temperature,pressure.Flexible water hose is widely used for installation inthe heating system (hot water), CWS (cold water), gas connection.Using a flexible liner for water has brought so much convenience inthe installation of pipelines, what to do without flexible connectorssimply technically impossible. The first flexible water hoses on themarket got rubber hoses in a metal braid. The low cost of thematerial becomes both a plus and a minus. The eyeliner was made of arubber hose in a metal braid. At the ends of the corrugated steelinsert fitting steel. But defective tires are easily damaged, rustedsteel. And such products required for the installation of homeappliances has led to a serious accident. Let's look at some of thepitfalls that lead to cost reduction: 1) crimp the ends of theflexible liner, is a complex process, this operation should becarried out on expensive equipment and not their own power and tohave some different compression rubber will not compression orpinching. 2) Using steel instead of brass or stainless steel. 3) thetire starts to collapse after 3-4 years, and low quality severaltimes before. 4) using the rubber seals instead of PTFE, paronitovyeor copper. Many manufacturers are going to higher prices for theirproducts. Such products require a warranty period of 1-2 years (totalservice life of 5-7 years. However, the warranty does not apply ifthe installation is not a licensed installer if water does not meetstandards if the system was water hammer, and so on. D. therefore,many installers carry a magnet so that the composition and thereforequality. Or a example-ball valve - ball valve inside yourself may notdo brass and steel in six months it rusts and it is not possible todo. But using for production of stainless steel, Brass, Bronze, wecan talk about the high quality. Not so long ago on the Russianmarket a new type of flexible liner is made of corrugated stainlesssteel bellows. This product is made of stainless steel sheet AISI304,0.3 mmthick, and Union nut Nickel-plated brass, held by aretaining ring, a flat gasket to connect the coil 2-3 flattening ofthe corrugations. This compound is obtained without welding, so thatthe coolant interacts only with bellow made of stainless steel.Therefore, in pipes for heating and pipes for water supply stillcomes down to the technical characteristics of stainless steel andallows the use of hoses in the heating system (hot water), CWS (coldwater), gas connection for heating, chemical industry, food industry,power industry as a protective sleeve for installation in firesprinkler, air conditioning, ventilation systems, .... Advantages anddisadvantages: 1) resistance to burning, wear, oxidation and otherchemical reactions, 2) can withstand high and low temperature from-40 to + 200 degrees, 3) diffusion - through it does not pass theoxygen in the closed heat supply system, 4) high pressure, dependingon the diameter, 5) hole 1/2 -15 1/2 TO2 mm-65 mm, 6), the thermalconductivity of both plus and minus (additional purchase ofinsulation in cases where it is negative) 7 ) Price - expensiverubber flexible connectors but cheaper steel pipes, copper pipes,polypropylene pipes, polypropylene (Tube + angle + detachableconnection of the ends of American + + mounting hardware), 8), thedurability life over 20 years, depending on the strip.Flexiblewater hose specifications:Flexible hose for water stainless steelhas several advantages thatlow cost installation, flexibleconnection to mobile equipmentPrice (if pipes are of steel orpolypropylene Added detachable connection "American" andnooks and nipples flexible water price will be much cheaper and moredurable than other materials)flexible hoses for water fromstainless steel is designed so that the water contacts only stainlesssteel and gaskethigh temperatures of up to250 C.peremerzaniyathe opportunityflexible hoses for connection to water and heatingkeeps the shape of the curve,Use a flexible liner, stainlesssteel water aggressive environmentflexible connection stainlesssteel does not transmit into the heating system as synthetic oxygenand thereby prevents oxidation of the heating elements,a highdegree of fire resistance is used for sprinkler system, heatingsystem, wiring, and electric coolers. sleeve,High pressure up to16 bar, depending on diameter,flexible connection hoses for watergiant - a large range of pipe diameters from 1/2 inch 3/4 inch or15mmpipe or20 mmtube1 inchor25 mmpipe 1 1/4 inch 1 1/2 inch mmtube or32or40 mm, pipe2 inchesor50 mm, the pipe 2 1/2 inch or65 mmFor air and other gases.Universal flexibleconnection for air and gas to replace almost any industrial hose thatis used in production. After finding a replacement is a very complexprocess, and delivery from the manufacturer can shut down the entireenterprise. They often say that there is no reserve rare variety, andthe price is very high. Our flexible industrial hoses for air, water,gas, multipurpose hose, it has all the necessary parameters to solveall Your needs. High, oil-resistant flexible liner allows air afterthe compressor and other equipment. And strength and tightness, isthe best argument for environmentalists and ECS, reducing the impacton the ozone layer and the environment in General, abrasion andweathering. From the use of multi-purpose flexible connectors thatwill not only benefit the environment, but the economic effect isobvious, and the strength of the material and especially the flexibleliner does not question the quality of these products, of stainlesssteel, and inAfricait is stainless steel. The use of flexible linerin stainless steel can be found in construction, agriculture, mining,oil processing, Foundry, shipyard, or career. You can always count ona flexible liner in stainless steel for optimal reliability,durability, performance at a competitive price.For food products,dishes and drinks.Nutrition flexible joint ensures perfect safetyof products, because it is made of stainless steel (such as sour milkcan from contact with metals). Flexible hose is ideal fortransportation of vegetable oil, flour, fat fryers, beveragedispensing, or other transfer of food, pipes and tubing for food anddrinks meets FDA and USDA standards and hygienic standards. Varietyof size range15 mm,20 mm,25 mm,32 mm,40 mm,50 mm,65 mmliner can bemade of different lengths, it allows You to choose the liner that isideal for Your needs in power transmission product. Such hoses in themanufacturing process ensures clean inside and outside of tubing fortransferring food sanitation. You can always order the connectionflexible hoses with nut 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch,1 inch, 1 1/2, 1 1/4inch,2 inch, 2 1/2 inch, for the production of food and transfer,transport drinks for optimal performance at a competitiveprice.Boats and shipbuildingPleasure boat or commercialvessel. Salt water and humidity vibration constant dampness causesproduced and Assembly work at such facilities with the specialmaterials with a large list of special functions. Corrugated flexibleliner in stainless steel, specially developed for marineapplications. They are great to use them for fuel, air, cooling andexhaust system. They meet the standards of the PMA, oil resistance,and also the requirements of the EMP.Material handling, bulkTosleep rough and tough materials, the necessary rough and hard tubingfor the transfer of abrasive materials. The transport of cereals,grain, sand, manure from the second floor to the first floor, orthrough the fan and air. Stainless steel is the best material forhandling tubing, it is designed to withstand abrasive materials,which may be transmitted through a tube of stainless steel. Let yourapp includes sand, dry cement, gravel, seed, lime, meal, or evenchemicals, agricultural products, and the hot air are stainless steelpipes ..Oil gas and other fuelsIdeal for transfer of propaneand oil in oilfield production for transportation service settingsfor fuel dispensing oil home delivery will help you in the sector inline oil pump and pump the fuel. Designed for easy installation,flexibility and ease of connection of pipelines, pumps and otherequipment. This flexible connection has a number of advantages to dothe job quickly and correctly. Excellent resistance to weathering andozone, permeability, abrasion, petroleum oils, and high and lowtemperatures.Equipment with high blood pressureIn his houseor in production there is always a need for a flexible connection ofpipes with high pressure, such as water treatment for use in food andprocessing facilities, meat and poultry plants, dairies, paper millsand other facilities. Depending on your needs, the connection can bedifferent Dimetra 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch,1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 1 1/4 inch,21/2 inchesand 2 inches. The stainless liner pipe can withstand hightemperatures, up to 250 ° F, and can be used in hot or cold water,steam injected and detergents.The high temperature of steamPairsdry or wet. Saturated or superheated. For saunas and manufacture offlexible hoses for water, or heating, or a pair of high-quality hosefor transferring steam for processing of such flexible connection iseffective and safe. You are unlikely to find a flexible connectionfor the transmission of steam in the home and in the workplace, andsteam heating systems in oil refineries, steel mills, factories,shipyards, foundries, chemical plants, and a wide range of otherindustrial facilities. Stiff, light, steam hose made of stainlesssteel designed and manufactured to high temperatures (up to 450 °F), high pressure, and your hard working conditions.The flexiblehose into the potSome installers use material for quickinstallation of boiler plants. This will speed up the installation ofboiler, heating, collectors to collect and gidrostrelok. The mainissue is the installation of the boiler and boiler dimensions asingle peak of high temperatures. This was developed by flexibleconnection for heating, stainless steel large diameter 1/2 inch, 3/4inch,1 inch, 1 1/2, 1 1/4 inch,2 inch, 2 1/2 inch. This solutionallows to connect the boiler to the heating system with a minimumnumber of fittings. The distance from the boiler to the heatingmanifold is the most responsible can sometimes can get into theheating system from the boiler to the meter or two. This arearequires a flexible connection for heating large diameter giant.Flexible hose connections and solves the problem of alignment ofheating boiler, connecting to the collector for heating the boilerplant.Thus, in Central heating systems is a powerfulcollector with the increased volume of heat carrier bandwidth andspeed. This collector heating for boiler installation allows you todistribute along the contours of the right amount of warmth andvolume. This is the actual water Consumption in our collector system,it allows you to easily adjust the flow rate to each zone for maximumcomfort and efficiency. Between the axial distance in mm modulekonture125 these slender allows you to use the complete solution inthe form of a quick installation or pick up his mind that it is muchcheaper and more functional ready-made solutions. Most owners ofcountry houses are used to doing everything manually. Heating system,assembled with his own hands more understandable. And in case offailure or breakage is small, when it's winter. Can't wait for themaster of the service center and repair the heating system in yourhands. Agree to our terms of service and the winter, when the countryhouse can be located far from the city. In a short period can benipped by the frost of the heating system. Today, you can find a lotof information to design and build the heating system with their ownhands.Driving heating of private houses, cottages, townhouses,begins with the calculation of heat output emits a thermal energyequipment radiators and Underfloor heating. This should be consideredin the scheme of the heating system when selecting the conductivityof the walls and Windows, and the Wind rose. How to make heating morecomfortable, due to the increase of heater power 10 - 15%, we makethe low-temperature heating (at temperatures above 75 degrees and theparticles of dust on the radiators start to "burn" the airbecomes heavy) when calculating systems of water heating of countryhouses, cottages, private homes, cottages with his own hands thenumber and capacity of heat sinks take around 10 square meters. M. =1 kW heat output if the room constantly blown by the wind outside ofthe graph - the sections must be increased and if a large area ofglazing. Under each window must be the radiator so the warm air flowsblown glass.On each floor of the reservoir or more reservoirs,depending on the area she usually comes to25 mmtube and applies toradiators and small pipes 1/2 (15 mm) suitable for radiators andcoolant is returned to the collector transfers the heat to theradiators . To the floor of the manifold coolant pipes haveresistance, narrows, climb to the top. The coolant helps to make thecirculation pump for the heating system. Circulation pumps forsystems of water heating of country houses, cottages, houses, villashave different force characteristics and other indicators. If thepath is not very big rise not more than 2 floors, there is a longwing of the absence of the circulation pump 25x40. The same outlineis also suitable for hot water boiler hot water supply andventilation. Circuit for floor heating system should be adjusted,because Paul is up to 95 degrees uncomfortable plus particular theexpansion of the pipes will lead to the destruction of the screed.For this heating circuit via the 3-way valve. He made simple: if youturn the handle in one direction, the fluid will move through it asthrough a pipe, a little turning the knob, it covers the mainentrance, the same entrance reveals the return of the mixing of thetwo fluids. Turn 3-way valve manually using thermometers adjustabletemperature. It will be a small deviation in the chain. For moreprecise control can be set on 3-way valve actuator, which itselfturns the knob.If the adjacent circuit pump will take more timethan remained of the coolant in the reservoir that can pull coolanteffect from the next loop to avoid check valves are installed. Forsystem requirements and safety valve - pressure rises above normal,it opens and drops the voltage, it is included in the security group.Between the boiler and group security money had to be cranes. If theheating system pressure has dropped the makeup triggered valve thatis built into the hot water system hot water or cold water with coldwater, but should not be tai-the front of the boiler, since rapidcooling cast-iron heat exchanger leads to its destruction. Automaticair vents are installed where the air may be collected.Gidrostrelka- piece hollow square tube. It works as follows: if the boiler isequal to the charge flow requirements of the heating of thecollector, it passes through gidrostrelku. If there is a flow fromthe boiler temperature is above the distribution manifold heating,then the coolant goes into the reservoir and partly gidrostrelke ofthe boiler. If the boiler is less than the flow rate of coolantmanifold heating, and then through the lower part gidrostrelki getsmore in return from the coolant reservoir, thereby missing all thecontours of the coolant.Expansion tank diagram boiler heating acountry house compensates for slight increase and decrease of systempressure, its volume is about 20% of the total heating system. Forinstallation of the heating of your hands, without welding throughthe flexible liner is made of stainless steel, it is flexibleallowing installation anywhere. Thank you gidrostrelki much easier tomount multiple boiler in the heating system of the house. Summing upthermal power radiators, Underfloor heating, ventilation, hot waterservice hot water (boiler) ... 15% -25%, we choose the boiler orboilers to supply that it may be gas Central heating boilers, Pellet,diesel ....Driving heating of private houses, cottages,townhouses, begins with the calculation of heat output emits athermal energy equipment radiators and Underfloor heating. Thisshould be considered in the scheme of the heating system whenselecting the conductivity of the walls and Windows, and the Windrose. How to make heating more comfortable, due to the increase ofheater power 10 - 15%, we make the low-temperature heating (attemperatures above 75 degrees and the particles of dust on theradiators start to "burn" the air becomes heavy) whencalculating systems of water heating of country houses, cottages,private homes, cottages with his own hands the number and capacity ofheat sinks take around 10 square meters. M. = 1 kW heat output if theroom constantly blown by the wind outside of the graph - the sectionsmust be increased and if a large area of glazing. Under each windowmust be the radiator so the warm air flows blown glass.On eachfloor of the reservoir or more reservoirs, depending on the area ittypically reaches 1 "inch mmtruba 25 and distributed to theradiators on the small pipes 1/2" (15mm) heater is designed forheating, and returns to the collector transfers heat. To the floor ofthe manifold coolant pipes have resistance, narrows, climb to thetop. The coolant helps to make the circulation pump for the heatingsystem. Circulation pumps for systems of water heating of countryhouses, cottages, houses, villas have different force characteristicsand other indicators. If the path is not very large and the piping isnot narrowed, the rise is not more than 3 floors, there is a longwing of the absence of the circulation pump 25x40. The same outlineis also suitable for hot water boiler hot water supply andventilation. Circuit for floor heating system should be adjusted,because Paul is up to 95 degrees uncomfortable plus particular theexpansion of the pipes will lead to the destruction of the screed.For this heating circuit via the 3-way valve. He made simple: if youturn the handle in one direction, the fluid will move through it asthrough a pipe, a little turning the knob when she closes the mainentrance, the same entrance reveals the return of the mixing of thetwo fluids. Turn 3-way valve manually using overhead thermometersadjustable temperature. It will be a small deviation in the chain.For more precise control can be set on 3-way valve actuator, whichitself turns the knob. There are self-contained actuators with thecontact sensor in the return pipe of the circuit, there is also a CDwith the sensor in room - temperature adjustment in the rooms of thiscircuit or electric connection to automation, going to the boiler.Ifthe adjacent circuit pump will take more time than remained of thecoolant in the reservoir that can pull coolant effect from the nextloop to avoid check valves are installed. For system requirements andsafety valve - pressure rises above normal, it opens and drops thevoltage, it is included in the security group. Between the boiler andgroup security money had to be cranes. If the heating system pressurehas dropped podpitachny triggered valve that is built into the hotwater system hot water or cold water with cold water, but should notbe tai-the front of the boiler, since rapid cooling cast-iron heatexchanger leads to its destruction. Automatic air vents are installedwhere the air may be collected.Gidrostrelka - piece hollow square tube. In it,the following actions occur: Siporatsiya the air and remove it viathe automatic air vent. If the boiler is equal to the charge flowrequirements of the heating of the collector, it passes throughgidrostrelku. If the boiler needs more flow of coolant manifoldheating portion of the coolant goes into the reservoir, and part ofthe boiler gidrostrelke (photos boiler installation scheme of aprivate house).If the boiler heating medium flow down (which isundesirable, since the temperature difference in the boiler can causecondensation and oxidation steel coil) needs heating manifold, thenthrough the lower part gidrostrelki misses any portion of thecoolant, thereby all circuits have enough coolant.Expansion tankdiagram boiler heating a country house compensates for slightincrease and decrease of pressure in the system. Undesirable placeafter the pump. For installation of the heating of your hands,without welding or copper pipe using stainless steel with externalthread 1_1 / 2 50mm diameter, it is flexible allowing installationanywhere. Thank you gidrostrelki much easier to mount multiple boilerin the heating system of the house. Summing up thermal powerradiators, Underfloor heating, ventilation, hot water service hotwater (boiler) ... 15% -25%, we choose the boiler or boilers tosupply that it may be gas Central heating boilers, Pellet, diesel....Ball valves have several advantages relative to valvesvalves. Ball valves are more durable, stiffer and more reliable. Theyhave small size, beautiful design with a hole equal to the crosssection of the inventive threaded connection (ball valve Tim REEF,Bugatti, Danfoss). Using the best of hydraulics and integrity indesign, but also durable and corrosion-resistant materials brass,rubber, fluorine plastic ball valves were brought primarily inheating systems and water supply. There are manufacturers who for thepurpose of cheapening knowingly produced defective products forexample the case from silumin (aluminum silicon alloy) or iron ball,etc. valves In the Tim REEF, Bugatti, Danfoss all components: body,ball, rod adjustment nut made of brass safe to use in systems ofheating, water, gas .... Moving the locking component parts of theball valve stem and ball. These products should be made of brass (forexample, a ball of iron rust, ceases to be open and in disrepair). Toincrease the service life of ball valves Tim REEF, Bugatti, Danfossis equipped with an adjustment nut packaging. If during continuousoperation appeared to flow under the handle of ball valve, it isnecessary to tighten the nut and it will press the sealing ringaround the rod. Even a few years (the longevity of the brass andrubber are different), you can replace the o-ring and tighten thenut. All the above causes increase in ball valves, but arenecessary.The main tasks of fittings include ensuring a safe andsecure connection of pipes and plumbing fixtures, for example,plastic pipes Henco, REHAU, Uponor, Kan, Gabo with ball valve,plastic tubing and hose, steel pipes and radiators, copper pipes andgas boiler and etc .d'. . Fittings for metal tubes (crimp and quickdisconnect) is a clinch nut, two rubber o-ring between the fittingand pipe fitting of plastic, Teflon strip. To prolong the life andreliability of materials such as brass, rubber, Teflon. Fittings forplastic pipes it is necessary to separate aluminum and brass PTFEgasket. In most cases, the reliability of the connection depends onthe quality of multilayer pipes the thickness of the alumina bondinglayers, and density polyethylene. Manufacturers of plastic pipes inthe specifications indicate temperatures and pressures. If thepolyethylene loose (not polyethylene cross-linking of molecules) canbe used for metal-cold water (CWS). For heating and domestic hotwater (DHW) polyethylene is used, where synthetic supplements. Andthe finished tube is subjected to prolonged heating, can sometimes bepolyethylene cross-linking (increase in density). This MP pipe canwithstand high pressure and temperature. Note that automation inheating the boiler operates at 95. Safety valve security group at 3ATM. Brass threaded fittings due to the characteristics of thematerial received the highest applicationManifold heatingdistribution kotelnoyispolzuetsya to be installed in various heatingsystems. For distribution of coolant to heating circuits (forexample, distribution manifold for heating, 1st floor kennelsheating, 2 unit first floor, 3 second floor circuit, 4 circuitcellar, ventilation circuits 5, 6 boiler circuit water treatmentgoryacheë ... ..). Depending on the purpose, the collector circuitcan be equipped with various additional elements: thermometers, checkvalves, strainers, circulating pumps for heating system, three-wayvalve for manual adjustment and electric actuators, gauges, sensors,valves, threaded connections, flow meters, air and etc.'.Kollektordistribution of heating installation boiler provides a compactdistribution of contour and quick installation of equipmentManifoldheating, as well as various accessories and fittings for heating andwater supply. We offer attractive prices wide range of equipment forengineering networks: pipes of different materials and pipe fittings,thermometers, check valves, strainers, circulating pumps for heatingsystem, three-way valve for manual adjustment and electric actuators,gauges, sensors, valves, fittings, flowmeters, air, etc. The mainactivity of our company is realization of technical equipment for theinstallation of pipelines in the boiler room boiler heating the houseusing keys without welding. Quality engineering equipmentmanufacturer's data on the level of leading European manufacturers,and the price is very open minded. Currently, the installation ofheating, water and air are increasingly began to use radial ductsfrom the collector to heat the boiler plant. The advantage of using acollector for heating installation of the boiler is that with theability to install ball valves on each branch has the ability toinstall or replace equipment without shutting down or draining theentire system (for example, 1 floor kennels heating, 2 unit firstfloor, 3 second floor circuit, 4 circuit cellar, ventilation circuits5, 6 boiler circuit water treatment goryacheë ... ..). For example,the collector for mounting heating boiler (main) the collector issuitable for parallel connect multiple distribution headers, thecollectors are used for heating. Collectors for heating as the flowin the combined system of heating. For example, one pipe distributesten pipes.Hydraulic bearing (hydraulic separator gidrostrelka,gidrorazdelitel) is used in the circuits for the heating after theinstallation of a boiler to equalize pressures and temperatures inthe system. It is believed that when the system gidrostrelki theboiler is softer and lighter. Many argue that hydraulicprooektirovschiki the arrow is only necessary when using the boilerwith 30 kW.Gramotnaya, economical operation of the heating systemdepends entirely on the correct and proper distribution of thecoolant in the heating system, correct choice of the flow velocity inthe direction of the ridge and hydraulic (hydraulic separatorgidrostrelka, gidrorazdelitel) .Sometimes called hydraulicgidrostrelku arrow - the hydraulic separator gidrostrelka,gidrorazdelitel bottles, thermo-hydraulic valve, control valve, SG,hydraulic hand. All these names on one obordovanii piping of theboiler.Gidravlicheskaya hand is a kind of vertical container sectionin the form of a circle or square. Hydraulic shooter usually has 4operating the nozzle with a diameter of 1 1/2 (40), and 3 outputs 1/2(15) pressure gauge, automatic air vent, drain coolant to the tapwith the sludge settles in the bottom of gidrostrelki.Gravity systems are sometimes found in oldhouses, but in most cases these systems were replaced or convertedinto a new heating system. Wiring harness gravity systems providedesign and installation without a pump, but with the installation oflarge diameter pipes. Installation of pipes of large diameter reducesthe resistance of the coolant. These heating systems usually have alittle speed, and as a consequence of the uneven distribution of heatradiators, the entire system responds slowly to temperature changeson the street and in a private house. The boiler in a heating systemcannot operate at maximum power fluid in the heat exchanger heats upfaster than the circulation of the coolant in the boiler. Therefore,the boiler shuts down frequently. To improve such a scheme can beheating in their own hands. There is no need to call thewelder-plumber can do without welding. The most difficult work on theassembling and dismantling, if you don't need a welder with a heatingsystem designed and assembled on the steel pipe. Although theconstruction work in this case is not as complicated as it can seemat first glance. And so we should return pipe to the boilercirculation pump is placed in parallel. For this we need to cut apiece of pipe about0.7 meters. Now, in this liberated space for theinstallation of a new heating system, we need two tee, which has twooutputs, equal to the diameter of the pipe, and diameter 1 1/4inches, or32 MDS connection of the circulation pump tube, just needtwo squeegee 1 1/4 inch or32 mm, angular 1 two 1/4 inch or32mmflexible connecting hoses stainless steel 1 1/4 inch or32 mmpipedia ball valve, stainless steel flexible connecting pipe diameter.Stock with a Threaded tee in the installation and Assembly of twoparallel branches at the ball valve on the other circulator. Now,such a system can work as gravitation, without electricity andheating circulation pump.Forced heating is usually heated gasfrom diesel, fuel killer. Sometimes in the boilers can be usedbuilt-in electric heating elements or other obstructions or narrowed.These heating resistors to replace the burner in case of lack ofunderstanding of the primary fuel. Consequently, for the circulationof cooling fluids from equipment and piping that is required of thecirculator. It helps to overcome resistance in the heating system.The pump is made according to the accompanying documents. Thelocation and capacity for the installation of the circulating pump inthe project documentation usually put the pump on the return line tothe boiler.To assess the condition of boiler water heatingsystem, proceed as follows:Boilers. For water and steam heatingsystems can be used with steel boilers with a service life of about20 years. Cast-iron boilers, which are less common, have a servicelife of about 40 years. Old cast iron solid fuel boilers that wereinstalled burners work much longer, but as a rule, they have littleeffectiveness. Before the heating season and after completing theinstallation work, inspect all boilers for signs of corrosion andleaks.Start the boiler for an hour or more and make sure thereare no leaks. Sometimes it may not be a large leak before it warmsup, expands, and returning to waterproof treatment. Do not confusecondensation droplets on a cold boiler with water leaks.Expansiontank. Expansion tank, which is usually located above the boiler, andconnected to the pipe near the boiler to the heating system. Most ofthe expansion tank, before commissioning, for which it is necessaryto pump air to the compression of the blower inside the expansiontank. Rubber bulb may be dushena delivery if no automaticvozdohootvochik or out of order. When installing the hydraulic tankis needed to provide for convenient removal and replacement of allcomponents in the heating system. If the tank is picked up correctlyand working correctly, the valve on the security group should notwork as an extension of coolant whenever the system heats up andcools down significantly offset by expansion of the expansion tank.To check the statusthe airing of the surge tank must be drainedand re-fill pressure. The boiler control unit. All boilers shall beequipped with a security group that includes pressure gauge, safetyvalve and automatic exhaust. The gauge indicates the water pressureinside the boiler, which will typically be up to 3.5 ATM, thetemperature sensor can be combined with pressure gauge(thermomanometer).By reducing the pressure in the heating systemis installed podpitachny valve adds water into the domestic watersupply when the system pressure drops below 2.5 bar for example.Podpitachnogo valve adjustment is made by means of the pressure gaugeinstalled on the valve. If the pressure below 2.5 ATM podpitachnymeans the valve is not working, if it is above 3.5 ATM does not work,then a safety valve. Regularly podpitachnogo the inclusion of a valveleak in the cooling system. The safety valve shall release water fromthe system when the pressure in the boiler reaches 3.5 ATM. Alwaysvisually inspect signs of water in the zone of the valve or under thefloor. When the boiler works well under high pressure may lead tocracks in boiler tubes, which will break the whole system.If Youare unable to check the relief valve, which can be called plumbers orinstallers and technical service. But how can it be an old rusty orclogged valve, you must perform the installation work for thereplacement of the valve.Boilers can be equipped with sensors adjustingthe fuel or disconnect the fuel that turns off the burner if theboiler is heated above a predetermined temperature. Circulating pumpand control. Pump with automatic can operate in one of fourways:Continuing the circulation pump, heating system, in whichthe pump is operated by manual switch. The pump is usually activatedat the beginning of the heating season and operates continuouslyuntil switched off at the end of the heating season.Temperaturesensor and relay for controlling the circulation pump, which includesthe operation of enabling and disabling the pump when a predeterminedtemperature of the boiler.Circulation pump with thermostat, inwhich water is maintained at a constant temperature in the boiler bya temperature sensor.Relay for controlling the circulation pumpin which the pump is activated (via relay) when the boiler isswitched on using the thermostat.To determine which devicecontrols the pump and check its operation. To check the condition andoperation of the pump. Listen to his work; a Loud pump operationcould be due to bad bearings or a faulty motor. Check the sealbetween motor and pump housing for signs of leakage. Inspect thecondition of wires and connections.In heating systems is used todistribute the coolant used Automatic boiler or additional systems.Of gas distribution pipelines. System of forced hot water boilerdistribution consists of distribution piping, radiators and controlvalves. Distribution pipes can be one of three types: manifoldsystem, one pipe and two pipe system.Heating system with manifoldwiring, installation work on installation of radiators and boilerspiping simplified. This system works fine aesthetic. But the price ofthe finished collection's from the group above individual tees andcontrol valves. Collector for mounting heating boiler is a boiler,piping. For ot120 heating Area-150 sq metersof the manifold needs ofa large cross section to transmit a large volume of coolant. Butmanufacturers of boilers manufactured its products with a certainamount of fluid liters per minute for often this amount should beincreased, for example doubled. The easiest way to add a enoughvolume of return. We get the amount we need for heat distribution inthe collector circuits (for example, on the first floor, secondfloor, ...). To connect the coolant from superheated boiler returnflow from the reservoir heating boiler for mating. We need hydraulichand (gidrostrelka). Gidrostrelka hollow container, which in mostcases helps to increase the volume of coolant. But gidrostrelkaresponds immediately to such reduction, if the radiator unit. Thecollector of the heating system (radial system) is the shortest andindependent connections for each heater (radiator, boiler, heatedfloors, and so on. D.) on the heat source (boiler, heat pump,...).One-pipe systems differ from collection systems in thattheir radiators are connected in series.Pipe system using theindividual supply and return pipe, which ensures a small temperaturedifference between radiators, regardless of their location.Individual control may be in the radiator-pipe heating systems andtwo-pipe heating system, although discounts on one radiator valveswill affect the performance of other subsequent.Distributionpiping should be checked for tightness of valves and pipeconnections. Make sure pipes are properly insulated in unheatedbasements, attics ,.When the distribution conduit is divided intocircuits (zones), each zone would have a separate circulating pump ora separate valve with manual or electric control.Check operationof all valves, activating the zone thermostat, one at a time. If thecoolant is distributed properly for each loop, the radiators in thisarea should be warm or hot. To find all the taps, check the wiring,connections, evidence of leakage.Radiators and control valves.Radiators come in different forms: iron (which in most cases is aseparate, but sometimes hung on the wall, convector (fan), aluminium,copper, steel panel etc.In older homes, usually they are castiron radiators that are extremely durable and can be reused, althoughthey had not a single heat.Aesthetic aluminum high heat transferis mainly used for installation of heating in private homes. Heatinga country house is a safety valve that limits the temperature (90 °C) and pressure (3.5 ATM). This allows you to set components towithstand high temperatures, but not high pressure. Fill the heatingsystem and check water leakage. To check the surface of the radiatorso that they heat evenly; if they don't warm up evenly, to remove theair via the bleed screw. Check the ribs have heaters for dirt anddamage. These ribs can be bent. Check the condition of valves andconnections.Most installation teams and design organizations indesigning schemes of heating systems using radiation, the collectorcircuit of heating of a country house.Often, all pipes and othercomponents of the heating system of a private house was concealed ina floor or a wall. For example pipes are laid on the floor and thenpour on top of the solution. Distribution manifold of the heatremoved in the walls, external or built-in wardrobes manifold SHRN orshrv. Since the pipes are built, you can only visually check that nowater leakage or rust on the surface of the floor or wall mounted inthe pipe. So it will be thin-walled tubes should be prescribed moreresponsibly. The weakest point is the connection they all these rulesand regulations must not be walled up.Like many other homecomforts in a modern country house, a good heating system, in orderto truly assess when it breaks down. And if the winter were leftwithout heating in a private house outside the city, you know howimportant it is, without a good pereboynoe heating. Typically inprivate homes, homeowners are trying to build a reliable system withthe least amount of automation that can be fixed by hand. Systemsthat provide heating of private houses, generally reliable andoperate for many years without a hitch.Water and vodootvedenie -it can be the centralized water supply system or self-contained watersystem. If the centralized system of water supply in private homesare not available, then consider alternative sources of supply. Thecountry's water is supplied from wells (borehole pumps) wells(borehole pumps) from the water (pumping station). Pumping station onthe basis of the surface pump is quite noisy and is used where thedistance from the earth to water is not more than6 meters, built-inbattery - maximum of50 litres, enough for 1, maximum 2 persons.Submersible pumps for pumping water quiet and can be any pressure forwater supply of the house. For example, a well at a depth of20metersplus the pressure of the need to work within the home (3-5ATM.). All together ис60 metersor 6 ATM (10 meters= 1 atmosphere).If the power is removed from a private house, a 10-meter horizontalwater pipe is equal to one vertical meters. Then the pump must have ahead of35 meters. Installation of water supply in a private house isdivided into cold water (CWS) and hot water (DHW). Water pipe optimaluse of their price, oxidation (in holes in large amounts of oxygen,the iron rusts in a year), trudozatrachivaemost installation, design,temperature, pressure. For example, cold water supply (CWS):polyethylene (HDPE), plastic pipes (MP), stainless steel pipes,copper, polypropylene (PP). The weakest link in the supply pipe is aconnection. They are many times weaker than the pipe, so the watersupply must have a minimum of connections and it is desirable toreduce these compounds in one place, providing easy access to them.This scheme allows you to make water distribution manifold for thewater. The manifold is equipped with ball valves can be selectivelyshut off the flow of the sanitary equipment and to minimize theNumber of connections. For example: manifold steam Pipe - Mixer;reservoir cold-water - pipe - washing machine; cold waterdistribution manifold - pipe - dishwasher; cold water distributionreservoir - pipe - valve of the heating system, and so on. d'. Fordomestic hot water (DHW) distribution manifold of cold water (DHW)with a diameter of ¾ inch or1 inchtube on the heater. Water heaters,the collector hot water (DHW), the collector and faucets ...Now,as far as components and systems for pump to manifold DHW:1)check valve holds pressure in the system2) pre-filter protectsthe system from sand and particles larger than 600 microns3) themanometer allows to regulate the pressure in the heating system andwater supply4) expansion tank hydraulic tank (100-200 litres)protects the pump from frequent inclusions5) ball valve fordraining the system of cold water and hot water during the repair, orlack of system in the winter6) the dry run sensor and connectorside pyativyvodnoy having to disconnect the pump at idle (no water inthe well)7) pressure switch for pump, plus the connection forpyativyvodnoy side is configured to activate or deactivate the pump.(For example, at a pressure below 3 bar, and the pressure turns onthe pump pumps water into the system and a hydraulic tank(accumulator) and four ATMs shut down the pump)8) flexible hoseоф1 inchand a length оф1.2 metersto connect a hydraulic tank(accumulator) for water supply systemDriving:Country house today superiorapartment buildings. One of the important points is the creation of acomfortable cottage, a private home is water, because water is neededfor: drinking, cooking, Laundry washing and many others. Water cancome into your home a Central location. Although in General watersupply, there are also drawbacks: many kilometer network, which isendlessly broken, poor water quality during summer low Pressure fromwatering gardens, lawns. Another thing, if you have the opportunityto organize a local source of water such as an artesian well or thepit. If you know that your site is surveying to determine the mucheasier choice. So that the surface of the water, which is usuallylocated at a depth of from 2 to 12 meters. The advantage of a well:1) easy to dig yourself for a little money or 2) the Ability to cleanwell 3) draw even a bucket of water 4) a large range of pumps,pumping stations. The disadvantages include: 1) small debit of water2) during the spring flood water can enter various mud impurities andbacteria. Artesian well more. Aquifers are usually arranged asfollows: first horizon 40 to60 metersa second то120 from 80 meters,the third from 140 to 180. Advantages: 1) in the hot season the waterlevel drops. 2) don't need to think about bacteria and microbes inthe spring 3) easier to heat in winter 4) takes up less space. Thedisadvantages include: 1) small diameter and a large depth reducesthe range of the pumps 2) increase in pollution of the aquifer (forexample: in the first horizon may be a lot of natural iron, and thesecond of calcium or sodium, so do not know what horizon to drill thewell, much depends on the hull and pumping wells. These and othercharacteristics are reflected in the selection of pumps. Here are themain ones: 1) diameter 2) is a characteristic of the pressure valuewith which the depth of the water, plus we will receive from theintake to the house plus the house plus the height of manyatmospheres. It's necessary for household appliances, faucets,showers, hot tubs, barrels and etc. the flow 3) Capacity: how manyliters per hour of time spent washing machine, dishwasher, bath,shower and watering the lawn on the street. Generally, this figuredoes not take at least 3-4 cubic meters. an hour in the cottage of100-200 kV and the average family of 4 4) the design of pumps is thebasis of reliability (pay attention not to the brand, namelyconstruction) and electric pump for the well or wells is selected andlowered on a rope to a predetermined depth. Below the depth of frostpenetration at a slight angle the pipe is brought into the house. Tostart large diameter pipe that through this tube to the flow ofelectric cables and pipes for water supply of private houses. Withthis solution it will be possible in the future to make theinstallation or removal of pipes. Or just to insulate pipes to supplythe heat gun, sending warm air into large-diameter pipes. Now for themost simple household water supply. Cold water pipes and hot water byits characteristics fit all, but due to the high oxygen content inthe water supply steel pipe will last a long time, they prorzhaveyut.Some short sections are easier to connect a flexible liner, stainlesssteel water, also a large number of accessories for alignmentalignment is not only very expensive, but the relationship the mainplaces of leakage. The remainder of the water to each home. And so,in order not to contact plumbers in the future it is better to thinkand build a water pipe with his hands. You can copy something ready,but this is wrong because someone is the simplest scheme of watersupply is large enough, and who you need to connect the equipmentwith an output pressure in the water system. Here are the tools thatwe need to build the water with their hands: 1) drill 2) hammer 3)car set of keys. Now draw a diagram, which will buy the materials andassemble water supply system with own hands: 1) distribution manifoldwith shut-off valves for hot water 2) collector for hot water 3)boiler or process heater, and other equipment for cold water 4)diaphragm expansion vessel from 50 to300 litres(volume depends onnumber of people and other factors 5) non-return valve, a certain setin the well after the pump is but it is inconvenient to maintain 6)the pressure reducer to enable and disable the pump (maintains thepressure in the water system) 7) protection of the pump from idling8) pressure gauge 9) coarse filter after the electric pump 10) fineFilters installed after the accumulator (less load on the pump) 11)other minor accessories. To run part of the power system. Removesimperfections. Here and ready self-contained water system with theirhands, and most importantly, you are now armed with the requiredamount of knowledge to use water and your hands can modify or repairthe water supply system a country house from a well or borehole.Themain objectives are to ensure a reliable fit and lasting connectionof pipes and plumbing fixtures, for example, plastic pipe with ballvalve, plastic tubing and hose, steel pipes and radiators, copperpipes and gas boiler and etc . Fittings for metal tubes (crimp andquick disconnect) is a clinch nut, two rubber o-ring between thefitting and pipe fitting of plastic, Teflon strip. To prolong thelife and reliability of materials such as brass, rubber, Teflon.Fittings for plastic pipes it is necessary to separate aluminum andbrass PTFE gasket. In most cases, the reliability of the connectiondepends on the quality of multilayer pipes the thickness of thealumina bonding layers, and density polyethylene. Manufacturers ofplastic pipes in the specifications indicate temperatures andpressures. If the polyethylene loose (not polyethylene cross-linkingof molecules) can be used for metal-cold water (CWS). For heating anddomestic hot water (DHW) polyethylene is used, where syntheticsupplements. And the finished tube is subjected to prolonged heating,can sometimes be polyethylene cross-linking (increase in density).This MP pipe can withstand high pressure and temperature. Note thatautomation in heating the boiler operates at 95. Safety valvesecurity group at 3 ATM. Brass threaded fittings due to theproperties of the material is most widely used.Ball valves haveseveral advantages relative to valves valves. Ball valves are moredurable, stiffer and more reliable. They have small size, beautifuldesign with a hole equal to the cross section of the inventivethreaded connection (ball valve). Using the best of hydraulics andintegrity in design, but also durable and corrosion-resistantmaterials brass, rubber, fluorine plastic ball valves were broughtprimarily in heating systems and water supply. There aremanufacturers who for the purpose of cheapening knowingly produceddefective products for example the case from silumin (aluminumsilicon alloy) or iron ball, etc. In ball valves Bugatti, Danfoss,far, Navy, TM, Tim reef all components: body, ball, rod adjustmentnut made of brass safe to use in systems of heating, water, gas ....Moving the locking component parts of the ball valve stem and ball.These products should be made of brass (for example, a ball of ironrust, ceases to be open and in disrepair). To increase the durabilityof the ball valve is provided with an adjusting nut packaging. Ifduring continuous operation appeared to flow under the handle of ballvalve, it is necessary to tighten the nut and it will press thesealing ring around the rod. Even a few years (the longevity of thebrass and rubber are different), you can replace the o-ring andtighten the nut. All the above causes increase in ball valves, but itneobhodimyyminimum.Corrugated stainless steel tubing are widelyused in gas distribution systems and not only in new houses. Todaythere is a replacement rubber flexible connectors braided stainlesssteel flexible hoses stainless steel. The service life of corrugatedpipe connectors for more than 30 years. Such fittings and stainlesssteel pipes ensure a reliable supply of natural gas and LPG toresidential, commercial and retail structures. This solution issuitable in medical institutions for medical gases, and in the foodindustry, for brewing, milk, etc. Corrugated stainless steel pipessafe.Actually, this is probably the safest material for gasdistribution pipelines. The bellows is stainless. steel pipe,designed for use with all major international standards. And, unlikeconventional gas piping systems stainless steel flexible tubing,which eliminates the need for fewer connections. This eliminates theneed for fittings for Sharp bends around corners, which reduces thechance for leaks and makes your home more secure than ever before foryou and your family.Priority material in the first place, whatwould you choose? Corrugated stainless steel tube set most builders,plumbers, contractors. You can rely on the opinion of qualifiedexperts, using the same tried and true methods and materials for gas,water, heating and other systems, which are used to install thepipeline.Due to its characteristics inexpensive extra materialsand fast installation of corrugated stainless steel pipes is actuallyone of the lowest installation costs of any competing systems on themarket. At the same time, guarantees high reliability and safety ofthe boiler or other system, your Builder can invest in other qualityhome improvement.

Не игнорируйте то, что скрыто за стенами, пока не стало слишком поздно. Делать то, что сделает 94% сантехников: к использованию нержавеющей стали в вашем доме - и наслаждайтесь беззаботной проточной водой. Благодаря своей надежности в долгосрочной перспективе, нержавеющей стали эталоном качества в сантехнических системах в течение многих лет. Он может стоять за 100 лет почти герметичное исполнение.

Нержавеющая сталь - это единственный материал для воды, что соответствует или превосходит требования строительных норм и правил по всему миру.

Гофрированная труба из нержавеющей стали является лучшим сантехнических материалов, одобренных для горячей и холодной воды. Нержавеющая сталь способна выдерживать экстремальные температуры - от ниже точки замерзания до точки кипения - без перерыва.

По сути, нержавеющая труба непроницаема - опасные загрязняющие вещества не могут проникать в стенку. Кроме того, нержавеющая сталь является биостатическая - это на самом деле угнетает рост вредных бактерий. Воды из нержавеющей стали имеет доказанный послужной список для работы в экстремальных условиях без дорогостоящих повреждений.

Отопление и водоснабжение это оборудование соединенное трубами. Есть участки, которые должны быть подвижные или находящиеся в труднодоступных местах. Для соединения трубопровода в таких участках лучше применять гибкую подводку.  Но это возможность появилась с появлением гибкой подводки из нержавеющей стали. Она выдерживает высокие и низкие температуры. Отличительная характеристика это размеры диаметра и длина, которую изготавливают под заказ. Понимая ответственность любого трубопровода нужно оборудование подбирать с техническими характеристиками, превышающими заложенные в технических заданиях. Гибкая подводка из нержавеющей стали, один из тех материалов,который изготавливается с запасом. Понимая, как устроена гибкая подводка и материал, из которого она сделана, приходит понимание надёжности. Например, гибкая подводка в основе, которой резиновый шланг и слово отопление, вызывает подсознательно,что это не правильное словосочетание. Гибкая подводка, которая сделана из цельной нержавеющей трубы вызывает больше доверия.

Отопление и водоснабжение в частных домах

Отопление частного дома это основа для проживания в нашей климатической зоне. Если остальное можно отнести к комфорту. Та без тепла в зимний период прожить нельзя. В старые времена для сохранения тепла дома строили дома с невысокими потолками и маленькими окнами. Сегодня с применением новых котлов и других систем утепления домов, появилась возможность строить более комфортное жилище. Система водоснабжения позволила все автоматизировать. Не нужно носить воду из колодцев, всё работает в автоматическом режиме. Сейчас вся система обеспечения дома водой, теплом, и электричеством может управляться с мобильного телефона. Это на сегодня является дорогим удовольствием, но со временем это будет дешеветь. Что позволит уменьшить, например энергоресурсы по отоплению. Когда в доме нет, не одного человека можно поставить отопления на самый минимум. А перед приходом увеличить температуру, только в какой-то часть помещений.

Контакты Гибкая подводка г Москва, Нагорный пр., 7, корп. 1, стр. 1, м. Верхние Котлы, +7 (499) 390-62-89

https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CCGSfI5f https://go.2gis.com/m0bxd